Pain Management Billing Services

Pain Management billing can be a challenge for all types of medical specialties. Simple errors, as well as delays in payment, can cause a significant loss of income for those providing this service.

What’s worse, due to the complexity of medical billing for pain management (usually a part of anesthesia billing), errors like these are bound to happen.

Understanding essential aspects of pain management billing

Medical billing specialists, therefore, must be able to understand essential aspects of pain management billing. This includes concurrency, medical direction, and time unit, calculators. When these (and other pain management billing intricacies) are done incorrectly, valuable time and money are lost.

Certified coders increase the percentage of claim reimbursements

For optimal pain management billing service, you need specialists who can bill accurately every time. They need to understand how to correctly identify and apply these modifiers so that claims get paid the first time. Park Medical Billing’s certified coders can provide these skills, and, as a result, increase the percentage of claim reimbursements. In fact, they can handle all aspects of pain management medical billing, reducing errors while securing payments faster.

Reduce the risk of costly audits

Park Medical Billing company understand the challenges of medical billing for pain management and combined with state of the art medical billing software, we offer a solution to extended claim cycles and inflated collection costs. Our medical coding experts are current on all coding regulations; as a result, reducing the risk of costly audits. We also help your practice reduce stress, as since in-house billing will no longer be a drain on your staff’s time.

Over 25 years of medical billing experience

Our technologically advanced pain management billing system, combined with over 25 years of medical billing experience will give you peace of mind; ensuring that your claims are submitted correctly in a timely manner while generating continual cash flow. Our medical billing company is fully compliant with HIPAA regulations and stays up to date with changes in Medicare compliance guideline and upcoming ICD-10 implementation.

When medical billing for pain management becomes a challenging aspect of your business, trust Park Medical Billing to reduce its impact. We provide not only an alternative but also a cost-saving solution.

For additional information about our medical billing services, please call us at (201) 585-7306 or email at We look forward to providing you with the high-quality pain management billing services you deserve.

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